Category: Spring Wish List

Everything but the Kitchen Sink

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In 2012 when we redid the kitchen, the one thing that remained from the kitchen of the past was the sink…we had to have moved that from one place to another 50 times during the reno, just so that it wasn’t damaged. Once we started rebuilding, Scott started asking…”Are you sure you want to use THIS sink?” Probably every time one of us touched it, he would ask 🙂

Here we are almost 10 years later…and we are replacing the sink, upgrading the dishwasher (to a Bosch – super quiet one) and adding a Toe Kick heater (also chose the quietest one with the best ratings)

Today is the day!! Scott is here and already at work!

Shed Roof

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There have been a couple places on 1 side of the roof that have leaked…there’s even mold on the inside but I use this for storage and not as a ‘working on projects’ kinda shed…so this has not been a priority to fix. The doors also lean inward but I dont think there is a real way to fix them. I could replace the hinges and add an anti-sag kit to each door…but, is it worth it (now)?? Scott added a second layer of shingles!

Before :

After : Now I just need to pressure wash and paint it!

Bedroom PAINT

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Carpeting Project 2019-02

Wake Up Jennifer!! Get out the way!! Bobbie should be here any minute…I removed everything but the bed, the shelves on the wall, the tv rack and the curtain rod holders…I even remembered to remove the outlet covers. Let’s get this started!

It took all day, a trip to the paint store (yep, we needed a second gallon)…Shirley B came over to help…she ended up painting the closet…aint that some shit…back in the closet!

I ended up trying to stay out of the way…the room is not big enough for 3 people and a queen size bed.

Let me tell you about my trip to the paint store…I got Bobbie’s business discount but it was still $45 for the gallon…$72 off the shelf…wtf??? at that price it should throw it self up on the wall…filled with gold dust, $72 for a gallon of paint!! and it needed a second coat (it was white before, so we didnt need to primer or cover a dark color)…I just don’t get it.

HomeDepot browse

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Carpeting Project 2019-02

You have to remember, we have renovated all of the living space except for our bedroom. Having 3 dogs and knowing that no one ever had to see our bedroom, there was no hurry in getting anything done in there. And we were so tired of “construction” that it was ok with us to not do anything. But once this project had taken on life, we started discussing what colors we would like to have. Jen was about to go to karate and we decided to swing by Home Depot just to see what they had in “life proof/pet proof’ carpet…

We had made a decision right there, PetProof Collinger II-Color Meandering Textured Carpet…so we sat down with the carpeting expert and set up a “professional measure” of the 3 rooms. She told us that the process would be, I would get a call for that appointment, then after a day or so, we would get a call about pricing estimates for any carpet we want, that we can change everything right up until the day of installation. Once there was a decision on which carpet, I would get a call from the installer. She told us that from the day they measure until install is normally 3 weeks…that’s perfect amount of time for me to get as much out of the rooms and still be organized about it…

Carpeting Project 2019-02

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While we were getting our dogs their mani-pedi’s at Sue and Edda’s we found out that they had gotten carpet recently. It was the LifeProof/PetProof carpet and that they were impressed with it. So I got all of the details, found out that they got it at home depot and they do free install…free, that was all I needed to hear…

I love our hardwood floors, it’s the original Oak through the whole house and it was covered with wall to wall carpet for probably 20-30 years (the color was from late 50’s, early 60’s). So putting down carpet again was a big decision.

3 rooms are getting it…the bedroom and the 2 offices…

time for a trip to Home Depot…

2015 Wish List

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Oh, where to start!

This spring’s projects are going to be exciting!  We have refinanced the mortgage (and the home equity line of credit) with our credit union.  One payment instead of 2…woot! woot!

The first thing on the list that we want to do is to finish the front porch…I would love to see it screened in before the mosquitoes notice.  I don’t imagine that this will be an easy task, but I have full confidence that Scott will set it all right.

The second thing is I want to get rid of all of the paneling…which means gutting just about every wall in the house (I know we could just put the drywall up over the paneling, but I dont want to lose an inch round every room and I want to see all the electric wires and most likely add some outlets…running extension cords across the living room floor for my laptop is just crazy!

There are still alot of smaller projects that will come out of these two big projects…so stay tuned!!!

Screened In Porch – new sturdy steps

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Jen and I decided that the steps and the siding are the priority, and once those things are done, we will sit back and enjoy the porch (probably screen it in in the fall or next spring).

Having 3 days off, I decided that I would do the steps myself.  After lots of thinking it through and measuring, I set out for home depot.

This is what I have to work with, after removing the cement step and the wobbly boards. There’s no going back now!  I hope I don’t need to go find some Wawa milk crates!

I figured out that I could use pre-made stringers with some deck/joist hangers.

After 3 trips to home depot, 2 steps were completed when I ran out of daylight

trip 1) stringers, deck screws, (1) 2″x10″
trip 2) return stringers, get the right stringers (4 steps) get 3″ deck screws, (2) 1″x6″, and a couple 2″x6″ to get started
trip 3) get 1 5/8″ deck screws

Don’t come over yet!  It’s not safe!  ðŸ˜‰  Finishing up tomorrow!

Screened In Porch – they thought they were almost done

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They thought they were getting out here today ha ha ha

Kevin call me today and asked if Jesse and Joe should do the soffits on the front of the house. I was sold…Joe had said that it would be easier to do it before the finishing work gets done. That makes sense to me and it will actually make it cheaper because Scott wouldn’t need to pull the gutters back down, doing twice the work.

But if they are doing the front, the back really needs to be done too…

When they opened up the back soffit, these fell out…who knows how many more are in there??

There was nothing alive on this honeycomb!!

I am happy that I have people that I trust doing all of this work on the house!  Jesse and Joe have been doing a great job, but this project feels much bigger than I was originally expecting!

It will all be worth it, right?

Now I am off to get my car inspected by the lemon law lawyers (and return the Flashing Kit)

Screened In Porch – Skylight

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All I can say about this skylight is…I better enjoy it!!

The skylight I wanted and paid for at lowes was backordered…for a month, so I called and canceled the order.  I had to go through hoops with the guy on the phone because he kept insisting that if I don’t wait, I might get something that I don’t want…yeah, no shit??!!

We jumped in the car and headed to Lowes (which really sucks because there is NOT one very close) and bought the second choice, a Velux residential skylight, I was told that i didnt need the flashing kit because it was new construction.

Well, I had to get a flashing kit yesterday. I printed out exactly what I needed and headed to Lowes.  I grabbed the one with the right ITEM number.

Found out 10 minutes ago that the item number matched, but the model number didnt…so I had to run to home depot and get the correct one (I didn’t know that HD carried the Velux skylights)

One more trip back to Lowes to return the original…like I said, I better like it!