Screened In Porch – Phase II wishlist
I have to get Scott over here to see where we need to start but since I spent alot more on the external framing than I expected, I am super nervous about starting on the second phase (even though it has to get done).
siding needs to be done on the outside A Frame, and possibly on the inside wall since it’s still the outside of the house…let’s see what Scott says about it.
landing with steps…this minor thing will be a big bear of a job because the steps were notched into the existing porch. But right now, the existing steps are dangerous
or maybe just put some semi-permanent steps in there until we are ready to enclose it all??
replace some of the 2″ x 6″ on the floor and maybe the cap rail, once that’s done, we may put down some indoor/outdoor carpet
I’m sure I will remember other things for this list as I sit out there and look around!