Month: April 2020

Fridge Door Thunking

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When we closed the fridge door, it made this sound like it was going to fall off. After a few times, I called Scott and asked him what I could do to fix it. This was right at the beginning of Covid-19 self-isolating. Scott said that he would come over if really necessary, but he said the door will not fall off, it just sounds that way.

After a couple days of this…I decided to buy a $50 hinge kit and replace it myself…this kit comes with about 10 pieces but the pictures below shows that one of the hinges is bent.

Fortunately, the bent hinge was for the freezer, so the plan was just to replace the fridge door hinge (not the recommended both at once from Frigidaire).

The more I looked at the process of changing this out, the more I thought, maybe I better wait until 1) less food in the fridge and 2) quarantine is over, just in case it doesn’t go well.

So, for about a week, closing the fridge door would go thunk, Jen would let out a scream and then Dizzy would scream or Rogue would scatter (Raz didn’t give a shit)…once we were ok with and ready for the thunk, it stopped. No changes, no rebuilding, nothin…just stopped. I sent back the hinges, bent one and all…

Categories: Around the House

still working on the Bike shed

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I built the back, both sides and the doors on the front porch, but the nice days between the April showers has made this a month long project.

April 12

April 19

April 25

So far the issues that I have had are the doors. The instructions want a couple bars added for support but they are too long…so I had to make an adjustment…I just hope the one door isn’t bent so far out of shape that the doors don’t close. I also found the cheap ass rivet gun that it came with is not working very well and frustrating the shit out of me so ordered one from amazon so that I can really sturdy it up before I anchor it to the big girl shed.

And, of course it rained today…so it will need to wait until next be continued.

Categories: Around the House

Bike storage

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The big project over the last year has been the front porch. We screened it in, painted, and added a fire table. It really feels like we are down the beach when chilling out there…minus the bugs!

I have found that when we want to bring the bikes in from the rack on my truck (usually when it’s going to rain)…I bring them up on the porch…even though you can see through them, they are in the way! So I decided that I wanted a “bike storage shed” for my birthday. Jen said, send me the link…

Initially, we picked out a slide-roof storage shed and ordered it from Amazon. Well, then the Covid-19 Stay At Home order came in and Amazon stopped my delivery at one of the last stops (my guess is it got destroyed by a fork lift or a pissed employee who felt my shed was non-essential…not knowing I ordered it before).

After that, I decided to get what I wanted from Ace Hardware in Aston/Media. I love these owned and willing to match anything that I can find cheaper on Amazon. (I bought myself a new Weber Grill from the them a few months ago…I will post all of that info too..)

This is what it supposed to look like…we shall see!

They delivered it yesterday! I unboxed it and brought it up on the porch so that I can build the walls and get it ready to put it in it’s forever home…pictures to come later.

Categories: Around the House

My server crashed and burned!

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So I decided to backup and move my blog again! This time it was alot easier, I didn’t need to pull the content from a database one line at a time and then hope I got all of the right pictures in the right places. So if they are screwed up, it’s because my second rebuild was wrong and I haven’t been back through each post.

This one is on a hosted server and should be damn stable for at least the next 2 years! is now in use too because we wanted to have something up just in case we decide to sell any of the embroidery creations. If you feel like it, take a look, Jen has done a really good job with it!

I also started blogging on for some things that are not related to changes at our house. Random Thoughts!

Categories: Around the House