Month: July 2019

job change…Dec 1, 2017

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After 15 years of working for Coretel, I got a call first thing on Dec 1. It was sad…Bret was in tears, but I couldn’t feel bad for him when my mind was racing with…what now? The twins lived here, Xmas is coming and who knows what the fuck UEC will give me…the last few years I was doing the circuit ordering with Verizon and ended up being pigeon holed and once the company had an embargo against they from Verizon, I was not completely surprised that I was let go. But it still hurt like a bitch!
I kept thinking that I would be included in all of the other projects but I kept getting pushed out…everything about it sucked! Just updating the resume was a pain in the ass, where do I fit? what is the perfect job? what do I want to be when I grow up…I hate job hunting!!

UEC was denied because there was a paperwork snafu on the Coretel side, it said that I never worked for Core Communications. That didn’t get straightened out until mid-January…by that time I was a little nervous about the bills, the savings disappearing, the future, so when it did go through, I had the Fed not take any taxes out, thinking it would only be a few weeks/months…I could make it up once I started working again.

I was ready to go back to an office atmosphere, a commute, long days away from home and family. But I got lucky…my mixed bag of skills got the attention of a recruiter named Leah Kelly. She specialized in placing hard to place people and finding people for hard to fill positions…

DialConnection, I can still work from home! But OMG, the first year with this company was hard…there were so many things to learn about the software/hardware/sql queries, but I have found my place and really like it most days, but there are days here and there that I think…what am I doing, I am never going to get this. And then I am told that my boss has those days too (he’s been doing this for 13 years).

There will be more posts about this new job, but still trying to get up to date…

half…Sept 8, 2012

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This is the reason that we had electricity in half of the house. Some outlets worked, some did not.

The bad cable runs down 1 side of the circuit breaker box, so everything on 1 side worked and the other side didn’t. PECO loved this one.

Categories: Around the House

Attic Stairs…May 30, 2007

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It didn’t matter how much this project cost, the attic was useless to everyone (but me). There were pull down stairs that came down in the stairway that went to the basement…and they were a step short, so the previous owners made a make-shift step to sit the pull down steps on…and when you went up 3 steps its went backwards like a hyper-extended knee…scary shit!

Categories: Around the House