Category: City to Shore – MS Bike Ride

first real ride of the Spring

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Edda and I hit the trail this morning. She was telling me about an upcoming ride that she is doing. Midwest, I think she said 6 days. She’ll drive to St Louis and they will shuttle her 400+ miles west, set her up with a nightly tent (for a fee) every night. I would definitely do this! I will be asking Edda for more info…

Edda also showed me that Map My Ride now has auto-pause…no more forgetting to un pause it when we stop for water breaks, potty stops or just a stop to smell the roses (the bike trails have some really beautiful views)

First Ride 2019, last ride…

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I pick up the new bike tomorrow, but since it’s the first day of 2019 that it’s above 70* and I need to get a ride in. Kanicki set this ride into motion and I put it out on facebook (side note: make a biking facebook list). No one else is joining us. We are meeting at the 420 parking lot at the heinz refuge (Kanicki got there before I did)

Everyone else in the tri-state area had the same itch…there was only a couple parking spots left and when we were coming back, there were cars/trucks parked on 420.

I was telling Kanicki about Death Valley (it’s about a 1/2 mile strip that is closest to the sun…and the biggest Thistle I have ever seen)…she stopped to take off a layer and I kept going…way slow….a doe jumped in the path and I watched her move through the brush and jump the path right in front of Kanicki…then I saw the buck, but he decided to go in the opposite direction of the path. Kanicki said that she learned in horseback riding on trails, she was taught that the first deer doesn’t get you…the second one always does!

It was a quick, really nice ride…the last for my old bike…but a new beginning…

Still too damn cold

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It is 30* right now, so I am glad that we called off the first bike ride of the year. Jen was planning on riding with me and Kanicki was wanting to ride too, but she had places to be in the afternoon, so she would have had to ride early…

A few years ago, Jen and I went out for a ride when it was 55*…I was thinking that would be a nice temp, but I knew Jen would be cold, so she under-armored up with sweatshirt layers…yeah, no…we rode until we were warm but the noses running constantly made for a lousy ride…so we decided to not ride unless it’s over 60*

I am still on the fence about buying a new bike, but Jimmy is working at CycleFit today, so we are going to stop in and see if there is a ‘perfect fit’ bike…

found it!! Trek Verve 2…Jen says that it was made for me

My Birthday Present

Getting the Itch

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I miss riding my bike!! This Sunday, it’s supposed to be 65*, perfect temperature for a first ride of the season…(it may be too cold for Jen)…I wonder if Kanicki would be interested? My bike also needs some love…do I want to invest in new cables or is it time to replace my 20 year old bike? I love my bike…love the color, love the ride, love the memories behind it…but a new bike would be lighter and a faster ride, maybe even ?safer?….decisions, decisions