Month: April 2015

Say good bye to the paneling

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April 6-8

I started in the corner…1st layer was paneling, 2nd layer was spackled drywall underneath and the 3rd layer was very flaky insulation that didn’t come out very easily. Don’t forget about the ceiling tiles through the whole house…

April 9-11

We needed to be careful ripping out the interior walls because of the electric cables…it’s an old house so you never know how they were ran until you got it open…

April 12-19

The walls in the hallway were the most complicated…lots of studs to pry tiny pieces of drywall out…

The only room that we didn’t gut was the Master Bedroom (and the kitchen…because we already did that)

Categories: Around the House

Vacation is over

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After a fantastic Anniversary weekend at Rocky Gap Resort, it is time to get this project rolling!  Scott came over last Thursday and we went over just about everything we want to dig in to. This is the order for getting the porch done…electric, insulation, and then drywall.

The first thing that really needs to be done is the wired doorbell so I can move my office down stairs and not have to run upstairs every time the dogs feel the need to bark (they do this at least 10x’s a day…one barks and the other two start (not even knowing why)) So the idea is to do what needs to be done to get there…

The first thing I need to do is gut the inside front wall so we can put some outlets on the front porch and the ceiling fan

Categories: Around the House

Many Things

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There are alot of things going on around here, but I have fallen behind on every post.  I decided that I will start with today and then go back and fill in the blanks, hopefully I wont miss anything in the process.

refinanced the mortgage and home equity loan into 1 payment, as well as having an advance on the new loan to do some work around here.  Closed all my accounts at the big bank, Lemon Law case is done, bought a pickup and a cover (that I need to pick up today)…all in the last 2 weeks!  My head is spinning a little.

The reasons I promised Jen that I wouldn’t start with the demo until after our Anniversary weekend…

  • we are gutting anything that has paneling (and the drywall underneath), still trying to figure out if we’ll be tearing out the ceiling tiles.
  • Mom is house/dog sitting while we are gone, so we don’t want to kill her with the dust…and
  • I really don’t want to be thinking of all of this while we are away.

Scott will be here tomorrow to go over what’s on the agenda, he will have plenty to do…we have to decide on when he will start and what he wants us to have done for him to start. We picked out a doorbell so that I will be able to move my office to the basement until things are done (or maybe permanently…) after that, we can start with the demo

I’ll post a few before pictures in the next few days

Categories: Around the House