Month: April 2021

Patti Wiernicki

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Patricia Jo “Patti” (nee Winkler) Wiernicki passed peacefully on April 20, 2021. She is survived by her loving spouse Edward “Ed” & three step children Paul, Sandy and Kathy. She was preceded in death by her parents Joseph and Pauline (nee Willing) Winkler, her daughter Justella “Justi” M. Wiernicki, her mother and father in law Betty & Ed and nephew Eric Stott. Patti Jo is survived by her sister Paula (nee Winkler) (Gregory “Fox”) Wisdo, her three brothers William M. (Denise S.) Winkler, J. Clifford (Lillian R.) Winkler, Daniel E. (Heather V.) Winkler. She is also survived by her nieces Robin S. (Frank) McNulty, Kali Winkler and nephews Gregory Stott, Trey Winkler, Randall (Heather) Wolfe, Brennan Winkler, six great nephews & one great grandniece. Services & Int. private.

Covid Vaccination part 4

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Jen got her second shot yesterday. I got stuck on a work call and we were running a little late. We got there about 3:07. They told us that we just made it, that they are counting people and shots that they had left.

Jen didn’t want the nurse to know her fear of needles in hopes that it would be fast and easy. She sat down and grabbed my hand, as soon as the nurse alcohol swabbed her arm, she immediately tensed everything (including her grip). I don’t think she felt the needle because the nurse said she was done and Jen said, “no you’re not”…the needle was already in the red bin.

15 minutes in the lobby…nothing really to report. We did have a couple of good laughs…but it was the end of the day and there weren’t even alot of people left in the building.

Around 8pm, Jen climbed into bed and called it a day. We set up a trash can in the bedroom (just in case), she drank lots of water and a Tylenol to be pro-active.

She woke up feeling fine. Got up and went to work…but around 10:30-11, she suddenly felt bad. She was feverish but not nausea…she took a Tylenol and a 3 hour nap and that was it. No other side effects.

We are vaccinated! Now we just have to wait the 2 weeks to be completely inoculated.

Categories: Around the House

Covid Vaccination part 3

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My turn again…

Crozer was a little busier today since they opened up the next category, which I believe is anyone between 16-64. There was a line from the valet desk all the way to the front lobby. One of the nurses later told me that the goal was to get 1000 people their first shots a day. After standing in that line for about 20 minutes, a guard walked through the hall asking for anyone there that was getting their second shot. I lucked out on that one.

It was really crazy…and confusing. There were alot of people working very hard and everyone was mostly patient and relaxed…but still another stupid thing happened. Crozer was handing out rubber wristbands that said Crozer Covid – 19 Fighter…in a plastic bowl that moved from one person to another like a collection plate…wtf were they thinking? I let the bowl bypass me. We were all there to get shots to protect us from a very contagious virus, and the bowl went down the line of people that have NOT gotten their first shot yet…am I the only one that sees this??

I got the shot around 10:30 and did my obligatory sit in the lobby for 15 I was leaving, I saw the 2 people in line with me…they were coming around the corner to the lobby…so I guess I saved about 20-25 minutes by being pulled from that line.

Driving home…I felt warmth from my elbow up to my shoulder. Warm to the touch…it was a weird sensation. Nothing else.

About 8:30 pm my arm started feeling sore where I got the shot and there is some pain lifting my arm, but it doesnt feel like joint pain…I may just take a Tylenol just to be safe.

I am more worried about everyone else’s reports of fever, chills and other yucky symptoms…I am even a little paranoid…

24 hours(ish) later…I had a restless night and ended up wide awake at 5am. Feeling just fine…I won’t count my chickens though…maybe tomorrow morning.

Categories: Around the House

Covid Vaccination part 2

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Jen’s turn…

Jen had already decided that she was going to do it…even with the fear. She has a super fear of needles so I went with her hoping to keep her calm. And since I was there a week before, I was hoping to walk her through the process as fast as possible and get out of there.

Jen got the paperwork filled out and 2nd shot scheduled, which meant, time to get in line to get the shot. We had to walk down this ominous hallway that reminded Jen of every horror flick she had ever seen. By time the nurse was ready to give her the shot, she was very nervous! She did it fast and it was over quick. Now, we have to wait 15 minutes before heading out…just to be sure there are no reactions.

We’re sitting there and just kinda watching everyone fill out their paperwork, moving from one line to another and Jen says quietly. I hope that was the right thing to do. At that exact moment, someone had knocked over the bucket of “sanitized pens” that was sitting on the table. It was about the size of the picture of the bucket below (without the cute confetti) with pens instead of pencils.

I watched this guy do the right thing, he lifted the bucket up grabbing all of the pens to stand it back up. I laughed out loud and said to Jen…there’s your sign that you are doing the right thing. He didnt even realize that he touched every pen…and went to his next line.

24 hours later, Jen seemed to be fine, no reaction but 36 hours(ish) after the vaccine she got a pretty bad headache and either that caused some vomiting or the vaccine. We are pretty sure it was vaccine related because she immediately felt better…stay tuned for Jen’s part 2..April 22nd

Categories: Around the House