Yard Work Tools – Weedwacker

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At the end of last summer, I got fed up with my gas weed wacker not starting and getting blisters trying to start it.  So I decided to go with a cordless weedwacker.  I had heard good things about the WORX brand, but found out that Home Depot didnt carry the brand anymore, so I went with the Ryobi, and considering that I have additional batteries, it made sense to buy it.

That was end of Sept 2013, I used it 1, maybe 2 times, and liked it. I was sold and happy with my purchase….until 10 minutes into the first use of this Spring…it died, just stopped working, so I brought the battery in, put it on the charger, and hour later, fully charged, I went back out to finish the back yard…20 feet later, it died again.

I called Ryobi, they told me to take it down to the “tool rental” dept at Home Depot…at this point, I think they’ll figure out what’s wrong with it and fix/replace whatever the issue is…what happens with this is why I started this blog…un-fucking believable!

The 100 year old man that is working the shop didnt really like his job, that’s all I can figure…hates the technology, hates that everything is new-fangled and battery operated, hates that a woman walked into his man-shop…

Wanted me to sign a “pre-authorization” for $100 of work…what?? no fucking way did I sign that…1) warranty 2) I only paid $100ish for it 3) I’ve only used this thing maybe 3 times

they wont even look at it until Tuesday

needless to say, I left there feeling a little postal!

time to go home and during my next work break…get the lawnmower out….

Categories: Around the House

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