Bedroom PAINT

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Carpeting Project 2019-02

Wake Up Jennifer!! Get out the way!! Bobbie should be here any minute…I removed everything but the bed, the shelves on the wall, the tv rack and the curtain rod holders…I even remembered to remove the outlet covers. Let’s get this started!

It took all day, a trip to the paint store (yep, we needed a second gallon)…Shirley B came over to help…she ended up painting the closet…aint that some shit…back in the closet!

I ended up trying to stay out of the way…the room is not big enough for 3 people and a queen size bed.

Let me tell you about my trip to the paint store…I got Bobbie’s business discount but it was still $45 for the gallon…$72 off the shelf…wtf??? at that price it should throw it self up on the wall…filled with gold dust, $72 for a gallon of paint!! and it needed a second coat (it was white before, so we didnt need to primer or cover a dark color)…I just don’t get it.

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