still working on the Bike shed
I built the back, both sides and the doors on the front porch, but the nice days between the April showers has made this a month long project.
April 12
back wall and sides
Lots of sharp pieces Where it’s going to live
April 19
It’s in place…
April 25
roof installed gas struts installed
So far the issues that I have had are the doors. The instructions want a couple bars added for support but they are too long…so I had to make an adjustment…I just hope the one door isn’t bent so far out of shape that the doors don’t close. I also found the cheap ass rivet gun that it came with is not working very well and frustrating the shit out of me so ordered one from amazon so that I can really sturdy it up before I anchor it to the big girl shed.
And, of course it rained today…so it will need to wait until next be continued.
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