Fridge Door Thunking

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When we closed the fridge door, it made this sound like it was going to fall off. After a few times, I called Scott and asked him what I could do to fix it. This was right at the beginning of Covid-19 self-isolating. Scott said that he would come over if really necessary, but he said the door will not fall off, it just sounds that way.

After a couple days of this…I decided to buy a $50 hinge kit and replace it myself…this kit comes with about 10 pieces but the pictures below shows that one of the hinges is bent.

Fortunately, the bent hinge was for the freezer, so the plan was just to replace the fridge door hinge (not the recommended both at once from Frigidaire).

The more I looked at the process of changing this out, the more I thought, maybe I better wait until 1) less food in the fridge and 2) quarantine is over, just in case it doesn’t go well.

So, for about a week, closing the fridge door would go thunk, Jen would let out a scream and then Dizzy would scream or Rogue would scatter (Raz didn’t give a shit)…once we were ok with and ready for the thunk, it stopped. No changes, no rebuilding, nothin…just stopped. I sent back the hinges, bent one and all…

Categories: Around the House

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