Spring 2021 Wish List

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Jen wants to work on our curb appeal, so when she found out that one of her work-friend’s son is a Landscaper, she asked him for his thoughts and she got a quote. He started in February while the weather was mild…so far we are liking his work…

There is some leaking and water damage in the shed that has caused some mold. I would like to replace the shingles and figure out a way to get rid of…or encapsulate the mold. It’s a shed…that I don’t spend any time in…just in and out and the doors are always open when I am in there. So I dont think I need to go all out on this…

Again, last year’s garden…we got a couple zucchini and a couple tomatoes…the squirrels were finding their way in there and eating everything before they were human edible sizes and then at the end of the season, we got so much rain, the zucchini plants drowned…so this year…we are going to do a raised bed.

When working from home you notice little things. Like Jen couldn’t hear on her zoom meetings if the dishwasher was running…even with the door closed. We decided to replace it with a nice quiet Bosch. And I would also like to replace the kitchen sink with a large single bowl.

Categories: Around the House

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