Category: Spring Wish List

how the weekend list went

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took Friday off (5 Year Anniversary)…3 day weekend! Jen and I went to ‘The Container Store’ in King of Prussia on our way to Peddler’s Village and New Hope.  It was a rainy and a little cold, but it was really nice not having to deal with the crazy crowds.  Nothing like being in one of those stores when it’s a humid 110* day with 50 other people that want to look at exactly what you want to look at…claustrophobia much??

Saturday, got rid of the fucking monkey balls!  I was told to use a snow shovel, and that made a hell of a difference!!  probably 15-20 wheelbarrows full, so much easier… Thanks Ronnie!

all the pine needles from the back yard are gone, now I just need to finish up behind the shed (that’s where I dumped them from the back yard last fall)

fixed the sump pump drain pipe…it was really just reconnecting the pipes that move the water to the end of the yard…the puddle in the middle of the yard was making a hole under the fence

cleaned off the front porch (this wasn’t a big job, but made a hell of a difference)

Sunday, in the chiminea, burnt all the pine from the basement wainscoting that I cut down to manageable size pieces  <– tough job, sitting by a fire on a nice day (with a chill in the air)

Tomorrow, meeting with Scott in the morning…what to do about the front porch, bay window

The nagging list of things to do, before I can start the real list of things to do!

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I know everyone has one…a list of distractions.  Like needing to go to the market, but having to stop at the post office first, the pet store and probably home depot.

  •     clean out the shed (there are still things in there from the kitchen reno)
  •     get gas for the pressure washer, lawn mower and weedwacker…(wait, I got a new battery operated weedwacker last year…woot!)
  •     2 cycle oil (there’s the home depot trip)
  •     finish cutting down the tree/bush/stump that’s outside my office window
  •     rake up all the pine needles in the back yard (so I dont need to have them removed from the paw pads)
  •     monkey balls…that’s all I am sayin…fucking monkey balls!
  •     oil the grill (twice a year…(food grade) mineral oil on the stainless will prevent rusting)
  •    cut the vines out of the trees near the creek (those damn things are killing all the trees back there)
  •     order the table that goes with the glider

DONT FORGET to put the new registration in the car and the sticker on the plate…and get it inspected

Spring 2014 Wish List

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I have a pretty big list for this spring/summer, but it’s time to get some estimates on the roof and get that done!

ok, so maybe I should call this the wish list of things I would like to do

starting with the front porch (I would really like to make it a screened in porch) but to make me happy this year, I would like to

replace the front window with a bay window
remove the old steps – replace with cement steps, add a railing
refresh the stucco under the porch
possibly refinish the porch and replace the railings and gate

have kevin ( groom and possibly cut down some of the 6 pine trees that surround the shed

I’m sure there are more things that will get added to the list…one project at a time