Taking the day off
Took a day off work so that I can work with Scott on the countertop. Once things were set up and we were ready to start, I got to mix the thinset (and keep up with Scott)…I got to cut the easy-to-cut tiles. No way was I going to cut the tiles for the sink 🙂 and “butter” some of the tiles….So I did work my ass off all day…but it was SO worth it…
Tomorrow, bullnose and backsplash (but Scott will be doing that, since I have some work to catch up on)…if this gets done, we will be able to get the grout in late Saturday or Sunday, which means Scott – plumbing – sink…oh to do dishes in a real sink….a girl can dream!
Speaking of normalcy, we were able to move the fridge back in the kitchen today