Found stuff for stinky a$$ dog breath
Hi All! If you know me, you know about my beloved Papillon, Magic, who was born with a liver shunt that didn’t close. She is now 14 years old and the vet recommended a couple years back that I don’t schedule any more dental cleanings. Well you can imagine her breath these days.
I’ve tried many different things but here I wanted to tell the WORLD how much I love this new product. It’s call Orapup and it’s essentially a tongue brush and you put a beef flavored enzyme paste on the brush and hold it for your dogs to lick.
Skeptically I ordered this thing. Thinking that I might be wasting my money, I opened it up, poured the stuff on the brush, and held it down for the dogs. They could literally NOT GET ENOUGH.
The beef flavored enzyme paste is completely irresistible AND a few minutes later there is so much improvement in her breath I couldn’t believe it! If your dog has bad breath, you MUST TRY Orapup. I will never be without it!
l never be without it!
Happy licking! ~Jen